Mutter Paneer Curry

paneer dishes will always be on top list of any occasion menu..whether it’s a marriage or dinner…my husband is fond of paneer dishes , so that’s understood, u can smell it more often from my kitchen..:)
it tastes good with all fresh ingredients and easy to make ..i personally like adding raisins paneer dishes..I usually make this, with fresh paneer so need not to fry them , but if u like u can fry them also…
let’s take a look …on

  • Ingredients
    • Fresh paneer                       200gm or 1/2lb
    • onion                                    1 medium size
    • ginger                                   1/4 inch size
    • garlic                                     3-4 small pieces
    • tomato                                   1 big size
    • turmeric powder                  1/2tsp
    • coriander powder                1/2tsp
    • chilli powder                         1/2tsp
    • garam masala                       1/2tsp
    • cumin seeds                           1tsp
    • fenugreek leaves or
    • dry kasoori methi                  1tsp
    • peas                                        1/2cup
    • whipping cream                    1-2tsp
    • sugar                                       1/2tsp
    • oil or butter                            1-2tsp  
    • salt acc. to taste
    • coriander chopped for garnishing
  • Method
    • Heat a pan on medium. Pour oil and add cumin, ginger chopped , garlic roughly chopped , cook for few sec.
    • Add roughly chopped onion , cook until become light brown then add tomato( in big pieces, no need to chop finely as we will grind it later.)
    • Add 1cup water and let it cook for few minutes .
    • Switch of the burner and let it cool.
    • Grind the whole mixture to a fine paste.
    • Heat another pan , put some butter and pour the grinded mixture .
    • Add all spices , salt, kasoori methi  , peas .
    • Cook it on medium  for few minutes and add cream, sugar and paneer cubes.( no need to fry the paneer if it is fresh )
    • Let it cook for another few sec. and switch the burner off and cover it.
    • Garnish with chopped coriander and serve hot with chappati , naan or tandoori roti and rice. ENJOY!!

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