Sooji or Semolina Instant Dhokla
  • Ingredients for Dhokla
    • sooji or semolina ( coarse)       2cups
    • oil                                           2tsp
    • minsed ginger                        1/2tsp
    • carom seeds or ajwain            1/4tsp
    • yogurt or curd                         1cup
    • water                                        1cup
    • eno fruit salt                              2tsp
    • turmeric                                     1/4tsp
    • salt  1tsp or according to taste
  • Ingredients for seasoning
    • oil                                                1-2tp
    • mustard seeds                              1tsp  for seasoning
    • onion sliced                                 1/3 cup for seasoning
    • green chili chopped according to taste can add sesame seed also coriander , coconut for garnishing (optional)
  • Method
    • Take a large bowl , add sooji , oil, ginger, ajwain , curd. Mix well and keep it aside for 25-30min.
    • Take a plate and grease it with oil 
    • Add salt and ENO fruit salt and stir it well.
    • Heat a pan with some water it’s same while u r making idli, place some thing  at base so that plate or thali with dhokla batter is at level from water or u can use dhokla making stand .
    • Pour dhokla batter on greased plate and place it in pan over water and cover .Let the steam to cook for 5min or more , check by inserting a toothpick whether its cooked or not .
    • When cooked ,switch off the burner , take the plate out and let it cool.
    • Meanwhile heat oil for seasoning add mustard seeds, chili ,onion.Cook for few seconds and drizzle it over dhokla plate.
    • Cut the pieces out  , garnish with coriander and serve with green chutney.

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